I’ve battled long and hard with Microsoft IAS log files and coming from a Cisco perspective, they’re simply unreadable compared to Cisco’s ACS Server logs. This makes debugging login problems with e.g. Wireless LAN 802.1x authentication almost impossible.
However I came across a useful utility available from Microsoft’s Technet site called ‘Iasparse’ which will take the comma-seperated logs and present them as something readable. To that end I created a simple wrapper that would make reading in log files and outputting the results somewhat easier, and so here it is!
You are free to take it and modify it, all I ask is that you send me a copy of your alterations, and that you don’t remove my name from the header!
To run the wrapper, simply create two folders, e.g. c:\iasparse for the executables, wrapper and raw log file, and an output folder, e.g. c:\logdump for the formatted logs. Then all you need to do is run the wrapper, and follow the on-screen instructions.